8.Sınıf İngilizce 1.Dönem / Yarıyıl 1.Yazılı Sınavı Soruları Hazırlık


A) Verilen kelimeler ile boşlukları doldurunuz. (4*10=40)
*count *lies *apologises *jealous *mate
*slumber *secret *honest *share *cool

1.A bad friend always tells your ……………………………. to others.He doesn’t keep it.

2.A good friend is ……………………………………….. and respectful.He is dependable.

3.My best friend will give a ……………………………….. party tonight.She invites me and her close friends to meet at her home.

4.Sorry to break your vase.Please accept my …………………………………………. .

5.Ali is my best ……………………………………….. .We are friends for ten years.

6.Murat always looks good,stylish and fashionable.He looks really ……………………….. in his sunglasses.

7.I always ……………………………………………. my pizza with Kemal.We divide it between us.

8.Merve is a dependable person.You can always ………………………………. on her to help you.

9.Mehmet always wants what I have.He becomes angry and unhappy.He is a ……………………… person.

10.I don’t trust people who tell ………………………… .These people always say untrue things.

B) Saatlerin yanına uygun ifadeleri yazınız.(Harfleri uygun yerlere yazınız) (2*10=20)
1.I get up at half past seven.=…………………….. a)18:00

2.I have breakfast at a quarter to eight.=……………… b)08:00

3.I go to school at five to eight.=……………………. C)15:10

4.My lessons start at eight o’clock.=……………….. d)07:30

5.I have lunch at school at noon.=………………….. e)15:20

6.My lessons finish at ten past three.=………………. f)21:00

7.After school,I come home at twenty past three.=…………….. g)07:45

8.I have my guitar course at six o’clock in the evening.=…………… h)12:00

9.I have dinner with my family at a quarter past seven.=……………. I)07:55

10.I finish all my homework before nine.=……………. J)19:15

C)Verilen ifadeleri anlamlarına göre gruplayınız.(Rakamları doğru grubun altına yazınız) (2*10=20)
1.I apologize for it. 6.No let’s not.

2.I am so sorry for it. 7.That is great.

3.I can’t do it. 8.I am afraid . I can’t.

4.That sounds interesting. 9.I would love to.

5.Excuse me. 10.Pardon me.

A)Apologizing B)Accepting C)Refusing
*………… *………… *…………
*………… *………… *…………
*………… *………… *…………

D)Boşlukları ‘at’, ‘in’, ‘on’ ile doldurunuz. (2*5=10)
1.I have an exam …………………… the morning.
2.I sleep early ………………………. night.
3.I wake up late ……………….. Sundays.
5.I was a student ………………….. 2012.

E)Doğru şıkkı işaretleyiniz. (2*5=10)
1.Aşağıdakilerden hangisi iyi bir arkadaşta bulunması gereken bir özellik değildir?
a.be a good listener b.never help them
c.give you an honest opinion d.keep their secret
2.Your friend invites you to a birthday party.How can you accept her invitation?
a.I am afraid I can’t. b.Yes,why not?
c.I am sorry I can’t. d.Thanks but I can’t.
3.You friend invites you to a slumber party.How can you refuse his invitation?
a.That is very nice of you. b.Yes,why not?I’d love to.
c.I am afraid I can’t. d. Sure.It would be wonderful.
4.Many researches show that if you want to get on well with your …………………………… , you should share the same interests and hobbies.
a.barbecue b.buddies c.competition d.arrangement
5.Whereever I see Ceren,she always finds someone to …………………………….. . She never talks about serious things but this and that.
a.organize b.suppose c.chit-chat d.escape




Ziya Özcan

Bu sayfayı açmadaki amacım, Dağınık halde bulunan ve her kesime hitab eden bilgileri bir araya toplamaktır. Özellikle 5N1K soru ve cevaplarını doğru bir şekilde yansıtmaktır. Ayrıca başka bir amacım ise eğitimdeki eksiklikleri ve bilgi dünyasındaki yanlışlıkları gidermek. Ayrıca ilkokul ,ortaokul,lise kademelerinde hazırlanmış her türlü yazılı sorusu, test, konu anlatımı, etkinlik çalışmaları, zümreler, yıllık ders planı, günlük ders planı, deneme sınavları , ilkokuma harf grupları ve eğitim konusundaki tüm dosya ve materyal bankası oluşturmak için yola çıktık.

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